O motivo inativo desta campanha não é fornecido pela equipe %s

Promover o crescimento econômico sustentado, inclusivo e sustentável, emprego pleno e produtivo e trabalho decente para todos
Territórios sob gestão única

Criado por, Philippe Greier

Cobra Canoa Framework: Systemic Investments for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

0% Completo (sucesso)
USD 0 criado de USD 29,310.00 Meta
0 Financiadores
Data final:

Nome da Organização: Cobra Canoa

Parceiro Estratégico: Projeto não atribuído

Informações da Organização

Nome da Organização
Cobra Canoa
Categoria da Organização
Organização da sociedade civil
Localização da Organização
Brazilia - Brasília, Brasilia - Federal District, Brazil

ENG: Cobra Canoa is an intercultural collective that works towards the deep transformation needed for a healthy planet and thriving communities. We develop collaborations with indigenous communities and allies to decolonize our history and build a thriving future for all beings.POR: Cobra Canoa é um coletivo intercultural que trabalha para a profunda transformação necessária para um planeta saudável e comunidades prósperas. Desenvolvemos colaborações com comunidades indígenas e aliados para descolonizar nossa história e construir um futuro próspero para todos os seres.

História do Projeto

Diga-nos mais sobre o desafio do projeto. Qual é o problema que você está tentando resolver? Porque é que o problema é significativo?

Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) are the true custodians of biodiversity. Forget traditional large scale one-size-fits-all solutions — it is time for a radical collaboration with a global distributed community of practice. The world needs a fresh approach to environmental preservation and restoration. 

The UN considers Indigenous peoples to be invaluable partners in providing solutions to the climate crisis. With only 7% of investments promised at the COP conferences, reaching Indigenous communities, new structures and alliances are crucial to direct investments to Indigenous peoples and local communities, respecting autonomy, local context and ancestral knowledge.

Reliance on and inefficiency of governmental structures and global investment markets contribute to the problem. Centralized governance frequently results in inefficiencies and mismanagement of resources within government and NGOs structures. While grant funding and government subsidies can be effective in developed countries, their track record in developing nations is mixed.

The lack of support for self governance of IPLCs is like being trapped in a bad relationship — we are unwilling to let them thrive on their terms. While there are countless Indigenous led projects and initiatives the missing piece lies in applying alternative economic models.

The complex web of obstacles for an effective investment flow within the current economic landscape, emphasizes the need for systemic investments and collaborations involving conscious business leaders, investors, and indigenous communities.

Conte-nos mais sobre a solução proposta para o projeto, como ela funcionará?

We developed the Cobra Canoa Framework to enable systemic investments for Indigenous led restoration while setting up islands of coherence at large scale. Our intercultural team, consisting of Indigenous and non-Indigenous members, seeks to create inclusive partnerships with conscious investors and existing institutions, aiming to channel resources directly and effectively to Indigenous communities - in line with their needs and priorities.

Through this crowdfunding campaign we are setting up an Action Research project that immediately enables regenerative and autonomous development of Indigenous communities in the Cabeça de Cachorro region (Amazon/Brazil) while we are aiming to

  • understand how we can to allocate funding and other resources directly to IPLCs and their territories for their autonomous projects and development.
  • explore systemic and evolutionary restoration and preservation processes that are rooted in trustful partnerships and radical collaboration of conscious alliances.
  • map and to mobilize a global ecosystem of allies of traditional communities, unique systemic solutions and valuable regenerative experiences.

During the process we will build a Planetary Well-being Task Force consisting of investors, allies and decision makers in order to work on different scales supporting a global ecosystem of regenerators.

Quais serão as principais atividades do projeto e como os recursos da doação serão aplicados?

During the preparation of this Action Research project, we are carrying out a series of activities to promote a regenerative and autonomous economy in the Cabeça de Cachorro region in the Amazon. This schedule of phase 1 of the project follows a logical sequence of activities over 6 months:

  • Journey and Presentation at the Katapult Future Fest and meeting with prospective investors and allies in São Paulo and Norway - May
  • Establishing an intercultural team of Indigenous leaders and non-Indigenous professionals - May/June
  • Leadership and professional training of Young Indigenous Leaders and University Students that want to return to their communities - June/July
  • Developing a Strategy with a detailed execution plan until COP 2025 (Belém, Amazonas) - July
  • Expedition Cerrado - Conducting a Learning Journey and Leadership Program. Exchange with 4 other Indigenous nations and foreign partners conducted in the Cerrado - October
  • Adaption of strategy and execution plan with the inputs of Expedition Cerrado - November
  • Development and Implementation of Pilot Projects in the Cabeça de Cachorro - August till December

Local de ação

São Gabriel da Cachoeira, State of Amazonas, Brazil

Ordem Numérica Nome da Categoria Nome do Item Quantidade Valor Despesa Básica Despesa Real Valor da diferença Documentos
1 Viagens Participação no Katapult Future Fest 3.00 USD 2,700.00 USD 8,100.00 USD 0 USD 0.00 Não disponível
2 Salários e encargos laborais Elaboração de um projeto de pesquisa de investimentos sistêmicos para a região da Cabeça do Cachorro, Amazônia 25.00 USD 350.00 USD 8,750.00 USD 0 USD 0.00 Não disponível
3 Cursos e formação Expedição Cerrado: Treinamento de Liderança para 4 Jovens Líderes Indígenas da nação Tukano 4.00 USD 2,200.00 USD 8,800.00 USD 0 USD 0.00 Não disponível
4 Impostos e taxas Platform and Taxes 1.00 USD 3,660.00 USD 3,660.00 USD 0 USD 0.00 Não disponível
Montante total USD 29,310.00 USD 0.00

Despesas Imprevistas

Ordem Numérica Nome da Categoria Nome do Item Quantidade Valor Despesa Básica Despesa Real Valor da diferença Documentos
Montante total USD 0.00
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